Call of Duty Movement Keybinds on PC

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  • Post last modified:October 5, 2022

In this tutorial, you will learn the Call of Duty Movement Keybinds on PC. We are going to break it down for you so that you won’t have issues succeeding with the game.

Call of Duty (COD) is a crowd-pleasing first-person action shooter game released in 2003. It is very prominent among video game lovers due to its adventurous nature.

Why you should be acquainted with all the controls

Controls in COD are not so complex. Getting familiar with them will enable you to move effectively so that you can gain an advantage over your opponents.

Also, you will be able to maneuver yourself seamlessly when you fully understand the operations of the control buttons. If you have a winning mentality, you can’t do away with this tutorial.

Tasks of each control button

Call of Duty Movement Keybinds on PC
Call of Duty Movement Keybinds on PC

When you want to move forward, press the ‘W’ button. Moving backward is a piece of cake, you only need to tap the ‘S’ key.

In addition, you can move to the left by hitting ‘A’ and move to the right by pressing ‘D’. The ‘use’ role is assigned to the ‘F’ button. For example, if you walk up to a closed door, the “Open Door” option will appear. Here, you need to press ‘F’ to open the door.

Moreover, hit the ‘SPACE’ bar to jump. When you are prone or crouched, press the same ‘SPACE’ bar to stand up. Similarly, when you are approaching a reachable edge, press the ‘SPACE’ bar to mantle over it.

Also, to slide or crouch, press the ‘C’ key. While sprinting, press the “C” button to slide. If you want to prone in the course of the game, tap the left ‘CTRL’ button.

Moreover, pressing the left ‘SHIFT’ key does three things – sprint, tactical sprint, and steady aim. And for gesture or sprays, press the ‘T’ button.

Tips and tricks

To gain an advantage over others, you need to be exceptional with your movement. You can gain an advantage by using different sprinting methods. This will make it difficult for your enemies to hit you. However, the disadvantage of sprinting is that you will be audible to your challengers. As a result of this, try to conceal your position as you listen to know your sprinting enemies. You can perk ‘Dead Silence’ so that it will not be easy to find you. Tactical sprint is a more desirable movement over shortened periods, and swifter than a normal sprint. You can use it early in the game to beat an enemy or opponent to grab weapons or other objects.

Additionally, you can look at how a character is carrying a weapon to know if it is using sprint or tactical sprint. If the weapon is carried overhead, you know that it is a tactical sprint, and getting the gun ready for a fight will take time.

Besides, there is the possibility to automatically alter between sprint as well as a tactical sprint. This will help you to sidestep the use of double-tap.

Also, use crouches to conceal yourself behind walls so that your enemies will not be able to target you easily. It will boost your target and help to muffle the sounds made by your character.

Snaking is another advanced technique, and it involves glancing from a low wall. Laying down will make you hardly visible to your enemies, hence, it is a perfect tool to use.

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