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Stepover Right in FC 24

FC 24 Stepover Right Skill Move Guide: Outmaneuver Opponents

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  • Post last modified:December 15, 2023

What is Stepover Right?

Stepover Right is a moderately advanced skill move in FC 24 that allows your player to perform a quick and deceptive stepover maneuver to the right side. This 2-star skill move can be a valuable addition to your repertoire, offering a dynamic way to outmaneuver opponents in tight situations on the pitch. When executed with precision, it enables players to create space and deceive defenders, providing a crucial advantage during one-on-one situations. Its simplicity makes it accessible for players with varying skill levels, yet its effectiveness in breaking down defenses should not be underestimated.

Mastering this move involves fluid coordination between footwork and body movement, requiring players to practice and refine their technique. The maneuver’s deceptive nature can wrong-foot even seasoned defenders, making it a go-to skill in critical moments of a match. Incorporating this moderately advanced move into your playing style not only enhances your ability to navigate tight spaces but also adds a layer of flair to your overall game. Whether you’re an aspiring dribbler or a seasoned playmaker, this is a skill move that can elevate your performance and leave opponents guessing.

When is Stepover Right Useful?

Stepover Right proves to be invaluable in a multitude of in-game situations, enhancing your strategic options on the field.

One-on-One Mastery:

When confronted with a one-on-one scenario against a defender, Stepover Right becomes a key weapon in your arsenal. By deftly executing this skill move, you can create the space needed to outmaneuver your opponent and gain a decisive advantage.

Strategic Placement in Midfield and on the Wing:

The effectiveness of this versatile skill move shines prominently in the midfield and on the wing. In these areas, where close ball control and rapid changes in direction are paramount, this skill move can be a game-changer. It empowers you to navigate tight spaces, leaving defenders bewildered and opening up opportunities for decisive plays.

Setting Up Shots and Evading Tackles:

This dynamic skill move isn’t just about showmanship; it’s a practical choice for setting up shots on goal. Additionally, its agility can be strategically employed to skillfully evade oncoming tackles, adding a layer of defensive prowess to its repertoire. Whether you’re aiming for goal-scoring opportunities or defensive maneuvers, Stepover Right provides a versatile solution for various on-field challenges.

How to Perform Stepover Right?

Performing this skill move in FC 24 is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to execute this skill move on PlayStation, PC, and Xbox:

PlayStation (using a game controller):

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Stepover Right
  1. Start by ensuring you have a player with at least a 2-star skill rating.
  2. While dribbling or running, release the left stick on your controller to let your player stand still.
  3. Rotate Right Stick (R) 90-degree Clockwise from Top to Right (to 3 o’clock).

PC (using keyboard controls):

  1. Make sure you have a player with a 2-star skill rating.
  2. While dribbling or running, release all movement keys to stop your player.
  3. Hold MMB + Move mouse 90-degree Clockwise from Top to Right.

Xbox (using a game controller):

  1. Ensure you have a player with a 2-star skill rating.
  2. While dribbling or running, release the left stick on your controller to stop your player.
  3. Rotate Right Stick (R) 90-degree Clockwise from Top to Right (to 3 o’clock).

By following these steps, your player will execute a Stepover Right, leaving the defender bewildered and giving you the opportunity to advance with the ball.


Mastering the Stepover Right skill move in FC 24 can significantly enhance your gameplay. It provides you with a versatile tool to outmaneuver opponents, create space, and increase your chances of scoring goals. With practice, you can incorporate this move seamlessly into your playing style and become a more formidable force on the virtual pitch.

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