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Ball Roll Right in FC 24

Mastering the Ball Roll Right Skill Move in FC 24: A Comprehensive Guide

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  • Post last modified:January 20, 2024

What is Ball Roll Right?

The “Ball Roll Right” is a 2-star skill move in the FC 24 football game, developed by EA Sports. As one of the Skill Moves in the game, it allows players to gracefully roll the ball to the right side while maintaining control. It is a valuable technique that enhances a player’s ability to navigate through tight defenses and create scoring opportunities.

When Ball Roll Right is Useful?

1 Evading Aggressive Defenders:

When confronted by aggressive defenders, this skill move becomes a powerful tool. Executing this move allows players to skillfully evade challenges, creating essential separation between the ball and opposing defenders. The fluid motion of this skill move proves particularly effective in tight defensive situations, providing players with a reliable means of escaping pressure.

2 Dominating One-on-One Situations:

In one-on-one scenarios, the Ball Roll Right emerges as an instrumental technique for players seeking to outmaneuver their opponents. The controlled roll to the right not only confuses defenders but also opens up opportunities to exploit spaces on the field. Mastering this moderately advanced move empowers players to confidently take on defenders in individual battles, showcasing a level of finesse that can turn the tide of a match.

3 Adding Finesse and Unpredictability:

Mastering the Ball Roll Right is not merely about executing a skill move; it’s about adding finesse and unpredictability to your overall gameplay. By incorporating this technique into your skill set, you introduce a layer of creativity that keeps opponents guessing. Whether you’re navigating through a crowded midfield or facing a one-on-one challenge, this dynamic skill move allows you to express your strategic prowess with flair, making it a crucial skill for any FC 24 player looking to elevate their game.

How to Perform Ball Roll Right?


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Ball Roll Right

Executing the Ball Roll Right on PlayStation involves a precise joystick movement.

While in control of the player, press and hold the right analog stick to the right (⇨). The player will seamlessly roll the ball to the right, providing an excellent opportunity to bypass defenders. Practice the timing and rhythm to ensure a smooth execution during intense match moments.


On the PC platform, this move is executed by moving the mouse to the right (⇨). It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the control configuration on your specific setup. As with any skill move, consistent practice is key to mastering this skill on PC.


For Xbox users, executing the Ball Roll Right is similar to the PlayStation method. Simply push the right joystick to the right (⇨) while in possession of the ball. This intuitive control scheme ensures that Xbox players can seamlessly integrate this skill move into their gameplay strategy. Practice in different in-game situations to enhance proficiency.


In conclusion, mastering the Ball Roll Right in FC 24 can significantly elevate your gameplay. This skill move, when executed with precision, offers a tactical advantage in various game scenarios. Whether you are navigating through a crowded midfield or facing a defender head-on, this dynamic skill provides the finesse needed to outsmart your opponents. Consistent practice is the key to proficiency, and incorporating this crucial skill move into your repertoire will add a layer of unpredictability to your playing style. EA Sports has once again provided players with a tool to express their creativity on the virtual pitch – seize the opportunity and become a skill move maestro in FC 24!

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